Updating Program Elements

Select Update from the Options menu on the home page to see the options for updating program elements. You must be connected to the internet to exercise any of the update options.

The options are:

  • Update List of Available Source Texts
  • Download Available Source Texts
  • Update List of Available Target Languages

Updating Source Text Lists

To update the source text lists, select Update List of Available Source Texts from the Update menu. This process updates ONLY the list of the available source texts, not the texts themselves. The purpose for downloading only the list of source texts is to reduce the number of files that would need to be downloaded. You will need to download a source text before using it.

Updating the list takes several minutes, so you need to wait for the process to complete.

Note: You may receive a notice that the process is not complete; sometimes this notice is not accurate.

When the process is complete, the program notifies you of the number of new source texts that you can download. You may close the window.

The program now presents you with choices to download selected source texts. If you don’t want to download now, click Home in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page. If you do wish to download one or more source texts, the process is shown below.

Downloading Available Source Texts

When you choose Download Available Source Texts from the Update menu, you have a choice to look at the source texts in one of two ways:

  • By Language – this choice enables you to download multiple books at once for a single language. If you choose to view by language and select a language, only the books that are available for that language are shown. Other books may become available as more source texts get translated and checked.

NOTE: The choice of ‘By Language’ also enables the downloading of the Translation Words and OBS resources.

  1. Type the language name in the search box or scroll to the desired language.
  2. Click the language to select it (if you click a language by mistake, click the back arrow next to the language to return to the language list.)
  3. On the Choose Category list, click to select a category. Some languages have more or fewer categories, depending on what source texts are available. The Category of ‘Other’ contains the Translation Words (bible), OBS source, and OBS Translation Words. (The best choice is to choose the Translation Words (bible).)
  4. Click the check box next to the source text(s) you wish to download, and then click Download.
  5. The selected text(s) download (this may take a few minutes) and then you should receive a success message. Click Close.
  6. The downloaded texts have a green check mark next to the name on the Source list.

Note: You may receive an unsuccessful message. One or more choices have a red x next to the name. This source text was not downloaded. You may try again to download the texts that were not successfully downloaded.

  • By Book – this choice enables you to download multiple languages at once for a single book. If you choose to view by book, only the languages for which that book is available are shown. Other books may become available as more source texts get translated and checked.

NOTE: The choice of ‘By Book’ also enables the downloading of the Translation Words and OBS resources.

  1. Click to select a category. The possible categories are:
  • Old Testament: Opens a list of Old Testament books
  • New Testament: Opens a list of New Testament books
  • Other: Enables you to download the Translation Words (bible), OBS source, and OBS Translation Words.
  1. Once you have selected a book category, a list of available source texts opens. Select one or more source texts and click Download.
  2. The selected text(s) download (this may take a few minutes) and then you should receive a success message. Click Close.
  3. The downloaded texts have a green check mark next to the name on the Source list.

Note: You may receive an unsuccessful message. One or more choices have a red x next to the name. This source text was not downloaded. You may try again to download the texts that were not successfully downloaded.

Updating List of Available Target Languages

Select Update List of Available Target Languages from the Update menu to update the list of all the target languages available in the program.

A progress window opens. At the end of the process a message shows how many new target languages were added. Click CLOSE to return to the Home screen.